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An academic solution for twice exceptional children from 5th-12th grade


What is twice exceptional (2e)?

The term “twice exceptional” or “2e” refers to gifted children who have one or more learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism spectrum disorder. Twice-exceptional children think and process information differently.

Twice exceptional students are among the most underidentified and underserved in our school population and while they are among the most at-risk for failure, they are also the group with the most to gain. They are underidentified because schools do not have procedures in place to identify 2e students. They are underserved because twice exceptional students are not recognized as students who should receive appropriate educational accommodations or services. When twice exceptional students are appropriately identified and served, they thrive not only in school but in life beyond school as well.

At Brighthouse, we serve 2e students who are exceptionally gifted and have one or more of the following neurodiverse conditions:

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